Monday, August 26, 2013


Ladakh is not all monasteries and rugged landscape of sparse mountains as is the common perception . Nestled in its hills and valleys are some of the most pristine and pollution - free lakes in the world .many of them provide an out - of - the world experience as they change hues, almost with the hour in the summer sun : from emerald green to midnight blue . in winters, the lakes freezes meters deep and turn into vast grounds , highways even .some of these lakes are Pangong , Pagong Tso and Tsomoriri.

pagong is an interior drainage basin lake , that is , its water is not drained , situated at 14,270 feet above sea level and straddless the border between india and China. in fact , 60 percent of it is in china . because of the lack of drainage , Pangong has salty water - so saline, in fact , that it has no aquatic life save a few crustaceans , but it is home to migratory ducks and gulls --yet it freezes in winter. Pagong changes colour every hour of the day , a marvelous sight as any .

the lake was the channel to shyok river but natural calamities have blocked it now. Pagong is 160 km from Leh and offers a spectacular view of the region

accross Changla Pass from Leh at an altitude of 4,500 metres, is one of the most spectacular lakes in Ladakh . Pagong Tso. The lake is only 8 km wide at its broadest but is 134 km long, the longest lake in ladakh . Pagong is a saltwater lake and a remnant from the ice age , probably formed by the dead ice masses left behind after huge amounts of water quickly evaporated when the earth warmed up , turning the freshwater lake brackish and eventually salty . the lake sprawls both Ladakh and Tibet

most of the fresh water . in fact , enters the lake from Tibet. The golden mountain range to its north, with its rolling spurs culminating in chiseled peaks , spreads a panorama of spectacular dimensions. Pagong, with its 2000 square km of 100 metre deep turquoise water, an baffle the eye for in the rarefied atmosphere distant objects appear to be right next door .

Tsomoriri, also known as Moriri, is situated at an altitude of 4,900 feet and is one of the largest lakes in ladakh . its water is saline since there is no mode of drainage. the lake, fed by two streams and springs, is home to 34 species of birds. Tsomorari is one of the largest lakes in Ladakh  and is almost like and inland sea. situated at an elevation of about . Tsomorari freezes deep in winter, so much so that animals and human can walk on it .

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Leh is the capital city and all the important  places of tourist interest located around it. following are same places of tourist interest in ladakh.

Ladakh is a trekker's paradise and there are so many trekking routes for trekkers . the region is full of circuits in Zanskar valley, Lamayuru ,Leh , and Nubra valley . 
  1.  Leh Khar Palace and fort : Sengge Namgyal's imposing nine - storey palace, which just out of the slopes of Tesemo Hill over - looking the town , was built in the 17th century.
  2.  Leh monastery 
  3.  Tesemo Gompa: built in 1430 A.D. the monastery has statues of Maltreya Buddha, Avolokiteshvara and Manjushree
  4.  Alchi Gompa 135 K.m from leh
  5. Choglansar 14 K.m from leh 
  6.  Hemis Gompa 49 K.m from leh 
  7.  Stok palace and museum 17 K.m from leh :The royal family of ladakh resides here and the museum houses artefacts associated with the dynasty 
  8. Lamayuru Monastery 125 K. m from leh : this is among the oldest and the most important monasteries set in picturesque moon land surroundings. 
  9.  Likir Gompa61 K.m from Leh 
  10.  Phiyang Gompa 20 . K.m from leh 
  11. Sankar Monaslery 3 K.m from leh 
  12. Shey palace and Monastery 15 K.m from Leh: vibrantly coloured murals are the attraction here
  13. Spituk Monastery 8 K.m from Leh: The Spituk Monastery boasts of some prized thangkas (painted scroll) and enourmous statues of Kali
  14. Thiksey Monastery 19 K.m from Leh : Thiksey Monastery is famous for its excellent maintenance and impressive Potalla- like location overlooking many picturesque villages . The library here is one of the biggest in Ladakh 
  15. Shanti Stupa overlooking the leh city :inaugrated by Dalain Lama in 1985 , this stupa was  built for world peace by japan 
  16. Gurudwara Pather Sahib of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji 15 K.M from Leh in Nubra valley Desket , Hundar ,Khardung La , Tirit are famous place in the visita and Panamik 
  17. Pagong Lake 145 K.m from Leh 
  18. Tsomoriri lake 240 K.m from leh 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013



On the bank of Rive Jhelum in old Srinagr is the first mosque ever built in the city in 1395. it is the mosque of Shah - e- Hamadan, the saint and scholar , credited with spreading Islam in Kashmir. 

Shah - e - Hamadan (Mir Sayed Ali Hamadan) was born in Hamadan , Persia . he came to Kashmir in the 12 th century and stayed in Khanqah - i - Mualla , the monastery dedicated to him . he visited Kashmir several times to teach people about Islam . Such was his spiritual hold on the people that in just  a few years, most of the people in the valley embraced to Islam . No wonder he was called Amir- i - Kabir or The Great Leader .

Illness cut short his third and last visit to Kashmir and he returned to Central Asia  where he passed away in 1386 . On the way back , he established a mosque at Shey, near Leh in Ladakh which to this day attracts devotees from far and wide. 

Shah - e - Hamadan's influence , however , was not limited to religion .he has been one of the principal historical figures who shaped the culture of Kashmir , its arts and economy . The seven  hundres followers who accmpanied him were men of arts and crafts who flourished in Kashmir . They popularized shawl making, carpet manufacturing , cloth , weaving , pottery , callighrapy and wood carving . 

it was because of its arts and crafts introduced by Shah - e - Hamdan and his followers that Allama Iqbal wrote, had turned Kashmir into mini - Iran . 

Indeed , the skills and crafts he brought gave rise to an industy that has not only provided livelihood to the artisans of Kashmir for centuries but earned Kashmir world - wide recognition . he also introduced Central Asian architecture which  fused with the kashmiri architecture to give rise to a new style, the most famous example of which is the Khanqah - e- Mualla .

The Khanqah  was established  by his son Mir Muhammad Hamadani , who followed his father to Kashmir and preached for 15 years . it is a wooden structure that features exquisitely carved caves and hanging bells , beautifully , painted interiors decorated with antique chandeliers that reflect its elegance . Shah - e - Hamdan is also said to have brought and planted the first Chinar in Kashmir 

Thats not all, Shah - e- Hamdan was also a social reformer who helped rid kashmiris of such abominable practices as black magic and sati . his influence did not cease after his death; he is still venerated in every corner of kashmir all these centuries later .

Friday, August 16, 2013


Where you can rafting in Srinagar Kashmir :Pahalgham ,Sonamarg,Ladakh,Zanskar 

The lakes, rivers, and streams of Kashmir not only enhance its beauty but provide avenues for pleasure and leisure sport .for the less adventurous there is the meditative Shikara ride on the Dal and Nigeen lake in Srinagar ; the more daring can go for motor - boating, water skiing , canoeing or kayaking on the lakes , or better still, rafting  on the throbbing rivers and streams. 

The state government has introduced commercial rafting in Pahalgam and Sonamarg as well  in the  more treacherous waters of Ladakh and Zanskar , and national and international rafting competitions , which are routinely organized, draw a large number of tourists and adventure sports enthusiasts, for plunging down the icy waters in a raft certainly is the most adventurous to see kashmir

The gentle gradients of the Lidder in Pahalgam are well suited for beginners while the roaring Sindh in Sonamarg is a treat for avid rafters. for the most adventurous , Ladakh, and Zanskar beckons ; Ladakh offers a range of rafting options on the indus and its major tributaries amidst spectacular , rugged landscapes of deep gorges, towering snow - capped peaks. hilltop monasteries , hillside villagesand glimpses of unique wildlife. The best for professionally - guided runs in white water is between Spituk and Nimu or Saspol , which rates 4 to 5 on the international river grading scale of 1 t 0 6 . The strecth upstream of  Spituk up to Karu is ideal for basic training or "scenic floating".

The most difficult though exciting rafting options , however , is on Zanskar river which flows through a spectaculer gorge in Zanskar mountains between Padum and Nimu . This strecth is meant only for well - organized white- water expeditions of trained rafters , prepared for about a week of rafting and camping in absolute wilderness.
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besides these, chenab, jhelum, suru and Drass rivers are ideal for rafting though they are less popular as of now . the best time for rafting in kashmir is between April and September.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Situated on the bank of Nallah Sindh , Sonamarg is a popular tourist destination about 87 km from  Srinagar . Sonamarg is a vast expanse  of open meadows and grassy slopes nestled in the cold - clad peaks of the Himalayas . Sonamarg attracts a large number of  tourists every year and being on one of the two routes to the cave shrine Amarnath, it is particularly crowded during the Amanrnath pilgrimage in summer.

in ancient times, Sonamarg was a gateway on the silk road, connecting kashmir with ladakh and on to china through the zojila pass which lies 15 km east of it . the pass is one of the highest passes for rad transprt in the world. no far lie Kolhoi and Machoi glaciers which are accessible only in summer. Sonamarg is watered by the Nallah Sindh, the largest tributary of jhelum which abounds with trout and mahseer. some 15 km north of sonamarg in the foot hill of zojila is Baltal , the base camp for pilgrims to the holy cave .

and just a trek across the pass is the splendid Leh. From Sonamarg, one can also trek to the Himalayan lakes of Vishansar,Krishansar,Gangabal and Gadsar, which are stocked with snow trout and brown trout . floating ice flakes in the crystal water of vishansar makes for an incredible view from the top of Sonamarg

The climate is very bracing but rainfall is frequent though not heavy , except for two o three days at a time in july and august . in winter, heavy snowfall makes sonamarg, located about 9000 feet above sea level, inaccessible.

sonamarg has of late also emerged as a haven for rafters. the tourism department organises river rafting tournaments every year which now attract teams from abroad .

for campers, there is the ridge that separates sonamarg from Thajiwas. The ridges Sonamarg slope is steep and covered with a dense forest of fir and birch .The ascent on the Thajiwas side is through Alderberry plants and under Sycamore and pine. The range isn an assortment of miniature plateaus separated into distinct compartments. Some 6 km from here is Nilagrad, the confluence of a mountain river and the Indus . its water is a bleeding red which makes for a spell - binding sight. Locals believe this water can cure skin ailments, so they take a bath in it once a week

sonmarg is stunnigly beautiful would be an understatement. just ask Bollywood filmmakers who would flock here to picture it as backdrop for their movies before kashmir eupted in violence in the late 1980s. 


SO, why should someone visit kashmir ? well, for ,one , it is the Paradise on Earth, as Kashmr's famous guest Mughal emperor jehangir termed it all those centuries ago and another famous guest , George Harison of the Beatles ,reiterated a few decades ago. and Harrison was only writing about his stay in a houseboat on the Dal lake ! 

 if you want to experience the perfect blend of natural , spiritual and cultural heritage, head to Kashmir and lose yourself amomng the majestic Himalayas, sparkling ,lakes ,virgi meaows, and embrace the rich history, an exploision of culture, tradition , craft and hospitable people. and there is no restriction to when you can visit and when not .

come in spring when kashmir burst into a riot of colors and millionsof flowers carpet the landscape and soak in the magical sight of almond blossoms at Badamvaer, the garden in the foothill of the majestic Hari Parbat Fort in Srinagar, built by Mughal emperor Akbar in 1597; walk through the mesmering Tulip Garden, Asia's largerst, on the shores of Dal or the impossibly green Mughal Gardens not far away .

come in summer and walk through the virgin meadows and gardens and trek along mountans paths in Gulmarg, Pahalgham ,Baderwah, Kishtwar, and Sonamarg;go rafting , paragliding and camping ; spend a few unforgettable nights in a houseboat on Dal; take  a shikara ride on the lake;take in the calm of Wular and Mansbal lakes ; soothe your eyes at Chashm -e- Shahi and feel your blood rush at Verinag ;see the sparse landscape of ladakh ,as if designed by a modern - day minimalist, and its crystal clear high- altitude lakes ,which  are among the few zero - pollution lakes on the planet, such as Tulin; go meditating in its monasteries; walk down the streets of Srinagar , Leh , Ladakh which littered with history and its artefacts ; join hundreds of thousands of pilgrims on their way to the Amarnath Cave shrine in the deep Himalayas . 

come in autumn in  autumn and watch the chinnars turn fiery , the field golden and the meadows lush ;go fishing , trekking,hiking and rafting ; watch the peasants harvest the golden paddies. 

welcome the first snowfall with friends over a barbecue and a cup of kahwa (the local tea brewed with honey , cinnamon, cardamon, and saffron), or Nun Chai (salted tea served from a samovar); 

go skiing in Gulmarg or try walking on frozen lakes ; watch the valley as it is carpeted while 

And while you are on here, you can stay in luxurious hotels and huts in Srinagar , Pahalgham ,Gulmarg, and elsewhere; watch Kashmiri craftsmn weave their magic on pashmina shawls, carpet , woodwork, embroidery and paper machie;feast on the sinfully rich royal cuisine, Wazwan , redolent ,with flavour of cinnamon , cardamon , cloves and saffron .
so with so much, and a lot of more, on offer, how can someone stay away from Kashmir? 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Srinagar ,the summer capital of jammu and kashmir,has attracted visitors since ancient times. but being in a valley tucked away in the mighty himalayas several thousand feet about sea level ,it was difficult to reach. not anymore;these days the beautiful city, the beloved of emperors, travelers and poets ,is just a flight or two aways from anywhere in the world. 

  1.  By Air the sheikh - ul - Alam International Airport, comonly known as Srinagar airport, is the nearest air base that connects the city to rest of the world . the major airlines operating at the airport include Air India,Indi Go,GO. Air,Jett Lite, Jet AIRWAYS , SPICEJET, KINGSFISCHER AIRLANES AND etc.Flight fly ot to and from jammu, leh, delhi, mumbai, indore, chandigarh,Shimla,Banglore,Ahmedabad and several other place in india 

2. By Train the nearest railways station from srinagar is at Jammu, nearly 290 kilometers away. trains connect jammu railways station to most major cities in india such as Delhi, Mumbai ,Kolkata , Banglore,PUNE,Chennai Trivandrum,and Kanyakumari. Chief trains to and from Jammu include Jammu tawi bandra AC special , jammu tawi varanasi special, jammu delhi sarai rohilla super fast special, jhelum EXP, jammu tawi EXP, Kathgodam Garib Rath Exp, Uttar Sampark Kranti Exp,jammu Kanpur Exp,Jamnagar Exp,Amarnath Exp,Jammu Mail,Shalimar Exp,Andaman Exp,Ahmedabad Exp,Bhatinda Exp,.work is going on to connect the barramulla - qaziqund,banihal rail link wit the jammu - udhampur line and thereby to the rest of indiain the coming few years . once that is done ,visitors can catch direct trains to and from srinagar . 
3. By Road . Srinagar is connected with other parts of the state through a well - laid road network .the chief highways that link srinagar with other destinations of jammu and kashmir are national highways 1 A and national highways iD. Jammu and Kashmir state road transport corporation operates daily buses between jammu and srinagar :srinagar and leh and kargil and srinagar . buses also ply between srinagar and delhi . besides a number of private traveling agencies provide bus and cab servie between srinagar and several other neighboring cities. the central bus and cabies . the central bus stand of srinagar is walking distance from the famous Dal Lake ,Busess and Cabs also run between Srinagar and Pahalgham ,Gulmarg,Sonamarg,Barramulla,Anantnag and several others tourist destinations .