Monday, August 26, 2013


Ladakh is not all monasteries and rugged landscape of sparse mountains as is the common perception . Nestled in its hills and valleys are some of the most pristine and pollution - free lakes in the world .many of them provide an out - of - the world experience as they change hues, almost with the hour in the summer sun : from emerald green to midnight blue . in winters, the lakes freezes meters deep and turn into vast grounds , highways even .some of these lakes are Pangong , Pagong Tso and Tsomoriri.

pagong is an interior drainage basin lake , that is , its water is not drained , situated at 14,270 feet above sea level and straddless the border between india and China. in fact , 60 percent of it is in china . because of the lack of drainage , Pangong has salty water - so saline, in fact , that it has no aquatic life save a few crustaceans , but it is home to migratory ducks and gulls --yet it freezes in winter. Pagong changes colour every hour of the day , a marvelous sight as any .

the lake was the channel to shyok river but natural calamities have blocked it now. Pagong is 160 km from Leh and offers a spectacular view of the region

accross Changla Pass from Leh at an altitude of 4,500 metres, is one of the most spectacular lakes in Ladakh . Pagong Tso. The lake is only 8 km wide at its broadest but is 134 km long, the longest lake in ladakh . Pagong is a saltwater lake and a remnant from the ice age , probably formed by the dead ice masses left behind after huge amounts of water quickly evaporated when the earth warmed up , turning the freshwater lake brackish and eventually salty . the lake sprawls both Ladakh and Tibet

most of the fresh water . in fact , enters the lake from Tibet. The golden mountain range to its north, with its rolling spurs culminating in chiseled peaks , spreads a panorama of spectacular dimensions. Pagong, with its 2000 square km of 100 metre deep turquoise water, an baffle the eye for in the rarefied atmosphere distant objects appear to be right next door .

Tsomoriri, also known as Moriri, is situated at an altitude of 4,900 feet and is one of the largest lakes in ladakh . its water is saline since there is no mode of drainage. the lake, fed by two streams and springs, is home to 34 species of birds. Tsomorari is one of the largest lakes in Ladakh  and is almost like and inland sea. situated at an elevation of about . Tsomorari freezes deep in winter, so much so that animals and human can walk on it .

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