Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The western district of Ladakh is, unfortunately , associated in the popular imagination with the Kargil war between India and Pakistan in 1999.Kargil has a much longer history ,however, busting peaceful trade and the mingling of cultures from China ,Tibet and India . 

Located almost exactly halfway between Srinagar and Leh ,Kargil town remains a guud hub for travelers , who can base themselves here and undertake trips to surronding regions . 

The Mulbek and Suru Valleys (Southwest and Souteast of Kargil, respectively ) are popular trekking destinations, offering breathtaking view and serenity 

These are fertile regions with fruit orchards and tall poplar and willow trees creating a greener , softer landscpe than Ladakh is known for. The local ;Apricots are particularly delicious .Mulbek is also known for its 9 -m tall Maitreya Buddha carved in relief on a massive rock. 

popularly known as the Chamba statue (another name for maitreya ), this carvig has been dated to between the 2nd and 8 th centuries AD.

Those interested in more recent history could drive west to Drass and visit some significant sites of the 1999 conflict such as Tiger Hill , which the Indian army recaptured from Pakistan armed forces

trekkers will also find many trails to conquer here. J&K Tourism can suggest various trekking itineraries of which the longest is from Lamayuru to Darcha and takes 20 days . most treks are organized in summer , except for the Leh - Zanskar trek , which is held in winter and involves walking over the frozen Zanskar River. 

in the summer , the Zanskar has some spectacular white- water rapids , while the long and winding Indus River is suited to more leisurely river - rafting and of course , this land of sky kissing peaks is a joy for mountaineers. Some of the more popular climbs are the Panamik, Saser kangri and closest to Leh ,the five peas of the Stock Kangri massif 

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